'Here Speaks the New Germany' Pamphlet 12 by Victor Lutze of the SA, January 1936. Source: Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Military Trials Nuremberg, (Washington 1946), PS 2471 The racial question : The fact that pacifism and its tributary forces - Marxism, liberalism, and political confessionalism - have taken root in a people like the Germans, results from reasons that go beyond the scope of a national problem. They are to be found in the systematic depreciation and dissolution of the racial qualities of a community of people. And if one takes the pain to inquire about the reason, to search for those who have an interest in creating such a condition, then the answer found is: Jewry. Disraeli himself said it: the racial question is the key to world history!' The SA man has been often branded by the foreign presses as the 'bearer of a barbaric and uncivilised race struggle'. I therefore consider it my duty to say a few words on the subject, especially to this audience. One must not judge our struggle for racial purification of the German people in a false light: Our chief concern is not to combat other races, but to preserve our own…. Our racial awareness is the basis of our national consciousness, and is in no way related to racial hatred! Jewry: The Jews' awkward position in Germany (the country they have adopted) is their own fault. The German has always been known for his hospitality, and there are few other countries in this world where the foreigner enjoys so much personal liberty and friendship. And it is due only to this that the countless crimes committed by the Jews against the German people have remained unpunished for such a long time. Now that our patience has been exhausted beyond the point of endurance, we cannot very well be blamed for keeping away burdensome guests. I need not tell you much, gentlemen, about the value of news reports in certain foreign newspapers, mostly under the headline 'Persecutions of Jews by gangs of SA Men'. You yourselves, as leaders and members of the diplomatic representation of your respective countries and representatives of the foreign press in Germany, have the opportunity to observe the national socialist movement and the German people daily with your own eyes. I have just said that our racial consciousness has nothing to do with racial hatred. A person who loves and respects his own people also never denies the rights of people of different races....